Hi allI have found out I am positive for the gene Kir AA through my Spanish clinic. Complex area but may explain my miscarriages and difficulty getting pregnant over last 3 years. We are going for donor eggs in Spain now. It’s a bit similar to NKC issues however I am normal for that test. My clinic in Spain now have to find a donor with specific genes (HLA11) so that my body doesn’t reject the embryo and also less chance of pre eclampsia with this type of embryo gene (another risk for me carrying this AA Kir gene)Feeling rather blurgh about it but have read a lot.Has anyone else found out they have this gene AA Kir? If so how did you get on?Was it natural pregnancy or donor? Do you have any good areas to read about as I’m just getting my head around the HLA concept too ?thanks very much I appreciate it if so x - IVFN

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