Acupuncture and Pregnancy
Having acupuncture has been shown, in some studies, to have a positive influence on pregnancy outcomes, as it improves blood flow and can reduce stress and anxiety in both men and women. There has been no conclusive evidence to show that acupuncture can help you conceive, but acupuncture points may induce follicle stimulating hormones that improve […]
Let’s talk about sex…and fertility – the men’s edition
IVF myth-buster
An introduction to male fertility
Sperm retrieval explained
The emotional impact of recurrent baby loss
Vaginal microbiome and me
PCOS Myth Buster
What is ICSI?
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is the process of taking a single sperm and injecting it directly into an egg. This egg is then transferred into the womb through IVF treatment. Who is ICSI suitable for? ICSI may be recommended for a number of reasons as an alternative to conventional IVF. These include male infertility, unsuccessful […]
Egg freezing – your questions answered
People choose to freeze their eggs for many reasons, but what links all these reasons is the desire, need or choice to have children at a later date. While egg freezing does not guarantee a successful pregnancy, egg freezing success rates are improving with advancing technology meaning that it gives a very viable option for […]