What is EFT and how can it help with infertility?

Here at The IVF Network, we provide information about fertility and conception, through our dedicated channel of experts, our website and our blog posts. We recently had a broadcast from Emma Roberts, an expert who spoke about EFT. Emma and her colleague, Sue Beer, founded the EFT Centre and Emma is an EFT Master and Master Trainer, Clinical Hypnotherapist and NLP Master Practitioner. She specialises in working with fertility, cancer and the highly sensitive areas of trauma and sexual abuse.
What does EFT involve?
Developed from the ancient Chinese meridian energy system, EFT is a form of acupuncture, without the use of needles. It is based around the idea that negative emotions occur because the body’s energy system gets disrupted and blockages happen.
EFT helps to clear any of these blockages, by re-routing the brain’s conditioned negative response. By focusing on the issue or problem and what you want to achieve, while tapping on certain parts of the body, it helps to change the way the brain processes information and helps to re-balance the body’s energy.
Limiting thoughts and beliefs can be released, freeing the mind to focus on other things and the result can be less stress and renewed energy.
Which parts of the body are tapped during the tapping procedure?
· Beginning of the eyebrow
· Side of the eye
· Under the eye
· Under the nose
· Chin
· Beginning of the collar bone
· Under the arm
· Top of the head
The points listed above, are at the ends of energy meridians. They are located just beneath the skin’s surface and because they respond to tapping, it means that needles don’t need to be used for effective treatment.
How can EFT help with infertility?
There are a wide range of alternative and complementary therapies that are recommended for couples struggling with infertility.
As EFT is non-invasive, there are no side effects, so it can be used before and during IVF treatment. However, if you have experienced previous trauma, it may be worth working with a therapist, who can help you to deal with any underlying emotional issues that may arise.
Infertility can cause a great deal of stress and anxiety and can have a negative impact on relationships, careers, confidence and self-esteem. For many, there is also a financial impact, especially if treatment has to be self-funded.
EFT can significantly reduce stress and control anxiety, so it is potentially beneficial for people struggling with infertility and going through the IVF process. It can help to alter limiting beliefs and negative thoughts.
As well as any counselling provided for you by your local GP surgery or your IVF clinic, your doctor, or fertility consultant may be able to recommend a variety of complementary therapies, if you are looking for support with stress or anxiety around infertility or IVF.
You can also find more information about some of these complementary and alternative therapies, including acupuncture, yoga, meditation and counselling, in the blogs on our website. As with any change to lifestyle, it’s advisable to check with your consultant before trying out new therapies, particularly yoga, as certain yoga poses should be avoided during IVF. We know that everyone is different and our aim is to provide you with information, on a wide range of fertility topics, to help you to make informed choices on your personal fertility journey.
Emma Roberts (Co-Founder of The EFT Centre) https://theeftcentre.com/#gsc.tab=0
Woolfson, N. (Founder of Embracefertility.co.uk)
EFT for Coping with Infertility and Enhancing Fertility
The Energy Therapy Centre EFT Tapping Points